Research Summary
This section lists my published papers, working papers, and works in progress. Links to papers are to the publicly available version, which may not be the finalized version. Where applicable, I also share the link to the official journal version. Some projects listed in this section are not yet publicly available, but if you would like more details on a project, please feel free to send me an email.
Research Interests: Financial Regulation, Financial Technology, Digital Economy, Networks
Selected Published & Forthcoming Papers
Papers below are split by topic and then chronologically within topic.
Financial Regulation & Policy Design
"Does Regulatory Jurisdiction Affect the Quality of Investment-Adviser Regulation?" with Alan Kwan and Tarik Umar. (2019). American Economic Review (2020 IF: 9.2). 109(10):3681-3712. DOI: 10.1257/aer.20180412. (Official Link. Referred to by a statement by SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson on June 5, 2019, and cited in the proposed Fiduciary Duty Rule from the US Department of Labor - Billing Code 4510-29-P.) Current Google Citations.
Investment advisers switching from SEC to state regulator oversight due to the Dodd-Frank Act had around 30-40% more misconduct.
"Social connections with COVID-19-affected areas increase compliance with mobility restrictions" with Alan Kwan and Vesa Pursiainen. (2020). Science Advances (2020 IF: 13.1). 6(47):1-10. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc3054. (Data: Facebook Data For Good. Media: 7th Space Family Portal, ScienMag, The Tyee, Daily Kos. NUS Links to the Research Summary: LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Telegram.) Current Google Citations.
A one-standard-deviation increase in social connections with China and Italy - the first countries with major outbreaks of the virus – increases the effectiveness of mobility restrictions by around 50%.
"Bank of Japan Equity Purchases: The (Non-)Effects of Extreme Quantitative Easing" with Randall Morck and Yupana Wiwattanakantang. (2021). Review of Finance (2021 IF: 5.1). 25(3):713-743. (Twitter🧵. Official Journal Link. Research Digest. Referenced in a 2021 French Council of Economic Analysis report on what the ECB can do. Cited by the Feb 2020 Monetary Dialogue titled "Financial Stability in the Euro Area: Assessment of Risks and Policy Options") DOI: 10.1093/rof/rfaa029. (Runner-up for the IQAM Prize for the best investments paper in 2020/2021. Included in CFA Institute's report on ETFs and Systemic Risks. How it relates to Oct 2023 China sovereign wealth fund buying ETFs. NUS C-EMBA Weixin Post.) Current Google Citations.
The BOJ ETF purchase policy seems to have price effects but firms appear to "cash in" rather than increase tangible capital investment or R&D spending.
"Trade and foreign economic policy uncertainty in supply chain networks: Who comes home?" with Jing Wu and Miaozhe Han. (2022). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2020 IF: 7.6) 25(1): 126-147. DOI: 10.1287/msom.2022.1136. (Official Journal Link. Twitter🧵.Media: Sina, Reuters, CUHK Blog, The Economist, Viet Nam News, SME.Asia) Current Google Citations.
Rather than move supply chain networks home, higher U.S. trade policy uncertainty instead predicts more supply chain movements abroad.
"Non-Performing Loan Disposals without Resolution" with Tianyue Ruan and Miao Meng. (2024). Management Science (2022 IF: 5.4). (Official Journal Link. Twitter🧵 & Follow-Up Tweet on the relevant 2021 National Audit Office Report. World Bank Blog, The Economist, The Economist again in 2024, The Indian Express, Epsilon Theory, ABFER Research Digest. Lawfirm Blog. Global Source Partners analysis on our paper. Cited in the Japanese Cabinet Office Economic Trend Report in 2023.) Current Google Citations.
NPL transactions from banks to local asset management companies end up in the hands of bank borrowers, still exposing them to substantial financial distress risk.
BibTeX Citation. Our findings of illicit bad debt concealment (originally written in 2020 and accepted at MS in October 2023) are validated by the National Administration of Financial Regulation of China (NAFR)'s December 2023 regulatory fines on several banks. For instance, China Citic Bank was fined 220+ million yuan (31+ million USD) for 56 violations. Citic Bank’s regulatory violations include several mismanagements of non-performing loans (NPLs), including inaccurate risk classification, fake transfers, & engaging other entities to hold its NPLs with quid pro quo. Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) was fined 27 million yuan for 13 violations, 2 of which are similar mismanagement of NPLs.
Digital Economy and FinTech
"The Impact of ride-hail surge factors on taxi bookings" with Sumit Agarwal, Shih-Fen Cheng, and Jussi Keppo. (2022). Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (2022 IF: 15.5). 136(March):103508. DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2021.103508 (Twitter🧵. Official Journal Link.) Current Google Citations.
Incorporating surge factor data improves demand prediction and allocation of incumbent taxi providers and improves allocative efficiency.
"Positive Risk-Free Interest Rates in Decentralized Finance" with Mike Kirby and Jonathan Reiter. (2023). 2023 Fifth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA). DOI: 10.1109/BCCA58897.2023.10338890 (Referenced in a blog post here and here by David Rosenthal (ex-Chief Scientist of Nvidia), related Twitter🧵, Referenced in a Coppola Comment post by Frances Coppola) (Official Journal Link.)
Turing-complete languages face a halting problem a la Turing (1937), which also applies to whether a smart contract can be set up to guarantee a risk-free payment.
"Computer Science Abstractions To Help Reason About Decentralized Stablecoin Design" with Mike Kirby and Jonathan Reiter. (2023). IEEE Access (2022 IF: 3.476). 11:103201-103213. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3317891. (Referenced in a blog post here by David Rosenthal (ex-Chief Scientist of Nvidia), Media: Seeking Alpha, Blockhead). Current Google Citations.
We show that algorithmic stablecoins cannot be both safe and capital-efficient at the same time.
"Capital budgeting, Uncertainty, and Misallocation" with Alan Kwan, Yosuke Kimura, and Eugene Tan. (2023). Journal of Financial Economics. (2022 IF: 8.9) 153(March 2024, 103779). DOI: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2024.103779. (Official Journal Link. Twitter 🧵) Current Google Citations.
Firms' investment plans appear important for actual investment and respond to intra-fiscal year firm-level economic conditions, implying existing macroeconomic models with imperfect information overstate the importance of informational frictions.
"RegTech: Technology-Driven Compliance and its Effects on Profitability, Operations, and Market Structure" with Zach Kowaleski, Alan Kwan, and Andrew Sutherland. Journal of Financial Economics (2022 IF: 8.9). 154(April 2024, 103792). (Official Journal Link. Oxford Business Law Blog. MIT Ideas Made to Matter. FintechImpact Podcast. Dash RegTech Insights 2022. UT Austin Medium Summary (Re-printed at TechXplore, MSN, CompsMag, and JoyK). Twitter🧵. Another Twitter🧵) Current Google Citations.
Rule 17-5a compelled financial advisers to invest in regtech software, which decreased misconduct but may increase the market power of larger firms.
"Decentralized Finance and Financial Regulation: Limits On Mutable Turing Machines" (Open Access official journal link) with Mike Kirby and Jonathan Reiter. (Accepted at Scientific Reports). (2023 IF: 3.8). (INSEAD Knowledge summary; Coindesk Op-Ed)
We study how decentralized finance architectures can be regulated and show that compliance requires compromising on the richness of permissible changes.
Other Published Papers
"Using Forensic Analytics and Machine Learning to Detect Bribe Payments in Regime-Switching Environments: Evidence from the India Demonetization" with Pooja Reddy. (2022). PloS one. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268965
The usefulness of forensic analytics depends crucially on the regulatory and institutional settings (legal tender bills).
"Foreign Financing, Exchange Rate Exposures, and Corporate Investment in Singapore" with Anisah Bte Abdul Rahmah Zamawi. (2021). Singapore Economic Review. DOI: 10.1142/S0217590822500059
Singaporean firms' SGD cost of capital decreases when SGD depreciates; isolating the US-denominated debt component with a mechanical increase in cost of capital only weakly negatively associates with real investment.
"Digesting anomalies: A q-factor approach for the Thai market" with Sampan Nettayanan and Kanis Saengchote. (2021). Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 69(October):10147. DOI: 10.1016/j.pacfin.2021.101647. Current Google Citations.
Replicate the finding that the investment q-factor model seems to do a better job than Fama-French 6-factor model to explain a set of anomalies in Thailand.
“Do Higher-Frequency Data Always Help to Forecast Longer-Horizon Volatility?” with Gavin Guanhao Feng. (2017). Journal of Risk. 19(5):55-75. DOI: 10.21314/JOR.2017.360
Volatility models of different return horizons trade-off between the precision in model estimates and model misspecification.
Working Papers
"Active Mutual Fund Common Owners' Returns and Proxy Voting Behavior" with Zhenghui Ni and Qiaozhi Ye. (R&R)
Presentations: EFA Poster 2023, NFI-Oxford Conference on Common Ownership, Experimental IO and Governance 2023, UIUC, MFA 2023, Singapore Scholar Symposium 2022, ABFC 2022, ISAFE 2022, CFAM 2022, FMCG 2022, AsianFA 2022, NUS RMI 2021
Actively managed mutual funds investing with more common ownership have higher returns (gross and net of fees) and vote to reduce executive pay-performance sensitivity and for directors with appointments at competitors.
"Public Forecasts, Internal Projections, and Corporate Financial Policy" with Alan Kwan and Yosuke Kimura. (R&R Review of Finance)
Presentations: AFA 2021, SFS Asia-Pacific 2019, Greater Bay Area Finance 2019, 2020 Japanese Economic Association Meeting, HKU, Renmin University, SAIF, CityUHK, HKUST
Compared to internal forecasts, public forecasts appear biased and trade-off between optimism when financially constrained and pessimism to receive higher managerial payoffs.
"Ownership Networks and Bid-Rigging" with Kentaro Asai. (Twitter🧵. Blog. Media: Business Times. Received ~US$40,000 grant from the Gov't of Japan.) (R&R)
Presentations: 2019 Econometric Society Australasian Meeting, 2019 APIOC, ANU, University of Tokyo, Hitotsubashi
The effect of common ownership networks in public auctions on bid-rigging appears to increase the prices that government agencies pay.
"The BigTech-Banking Lending Ecosystem" with Yiyao Wang. (Asian FA 2023 Best Paper Award). (Twitter related to EU 2024 Regulatory Update 🧵)
Presentations: CICF 2021, RMI 2021 Annual Meeting, AsianFA 2023, KAIST, Yonsei, SKKU, SNU, VBFS, Global AI in Finance 2023, AFBC 2023, SUSTech, ANSCSE27, GFFC @ Cornell
Fintech lenders with alternative data or better credit risk models than banks but with higher funding costs can increase social welfare by sharing data with them.
"From Data to Insights: Small Entity Patent Disparity and Public Data Visualization" with In Gyun Baek and Yupeng Lin. (ISAFE 2024 Best Paper Award). (Submitted)
Presentations: CUHK, HK Baptist, SUSTech, Yonsei, APCFOW, ISAFE 2024, VSEFI 2024
An online tool summarizing publicly available information on patent examiners in a user-friendly way appears to reduce information disadvantages faced by small firms by reducing their application abandonment when their examiners are lenient and increasing abandonment when their examiners are strict.
"Partisan Supply Chains: The Impact of Political Ideology on Global Sourcing" with Jing Wu and Jie Peng. (Submitted). (Twitter🧵. INSEAD Knowledge article)
Presentations: INFORMS 2024
An increase in the political-ideological gap between US firms and those of a foreign country inevitably leads to a decrease in sourcing from those more ideologically distant countries.
"Broker-Dealers and Executive Private Benefits" with Hansol Jang and Yibin Liu.
Presentations: NUS, LawFin, VSBF 2024
A rule increasing internal controls of BDs reduces post-insider-gift negative stock drifts (commonly attributed to backdating or insider trading) by around 1.5 percentage points.
"Government Support and the Production of Covid-Related Products Under Uncertainty" with Christopher Chen, Alan Kwan , and Jing Li.
Presentations: CORS-INFORMS, ESSEC BizGov
The heightened demand from website visits on a B2B platform predicts supplier entry from adjacent products, and the effect is three times stronger than the average when we focus on government searches.
"Foregone Consumption and Return-Chasing Investments" with Sumit Agarwal and Pulak Ghosh.
Presentations: EFA 2020, Boulder Household Conference 2019
Investors chase positive headline stock market index returns on the upside by increasing investment and decreasing consumption but do not respond on the downside.
"Social Unrest and Government Defaults in Procurement" with Miao Meng, Yongxiang Wang, and Zhengyu Zuo.
Presentations: VSBF 2024, INSEAD, EFA 2023, ADBI, IMF Asia-Pacific Group, Reserve Bank of Australia, ABFER 2022, ADBI
I examine the social costs of local government debt in China by analyzing the delay in procurement payments to contractors and the resulting impact on firm fundamentals and employee actions.
Book Chapters/Sections
Charoenwong, B., and Mario Bernardi (2024). "A Decade of Cryptocurrency 'Hacks': 2011 - 2021". In H. Cronqvist, D.J. Pely (Ed.), The Elgar Companion to Decentralized Finance, Digital Assets and Blockchain Technologies. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 9781035307753. Current Google Citations. SSRN version.
Charoenwong, B., and Alan Kwan (2021). "Alternative Data, Big Data, and Applications to Finance". In P. Moon Sub Choi, S. H. Huang (Ed.), Fintech with Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Blockchain. Springer. Print ISBN: 978-981-33-6136-2, Online ISBN: 978-981-33-6137-9. DOI: Google Citations.
Charoenwong, B. (2021). COVID-19 in the global production network. In S. Agarwal, Z. He, B. Yeung (Ed.), Impact of COVID-19 on Asian economies and policy responses. (1st ed., pp. 172). World Scientific.
Conference Discussion Slides
I post my conference discussion slides here. Please contact the related authors directly for the paper or the presentation slides. Shown in reverse chronological order. In general, I try to send the slides to the presenters at least one day before the discussion.
October 2024. Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance. Capital Structure and the Franchise Decision: A Knightian View by Christos Kelepouris and Ariel Viale.
October 2024. ABFER Webinar Series - Capital Market Development: China and Asia. Does Open Banking Expand Credit Access? by Shashwat Alok, Pulak Ghosh, Nirupama Kulkarni, Manju Puri.
September 2024. Vietnam Symposium in Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Innovation. Innovation Output in China by Jonathan Putnam, Hieu Luu, and Ngoc Ngo.
August 2024. European Finance Association. Borrowing Beyond Bounds: How Banks Pass on Regulatory Compliance Costs by Felix Corell and Melina Papoutsi.
August 2024. Indonesian Finance Association Meetings. The marriage of Fintech and ESG in investment banks. Did Covid Matchmake them? by Jenny (Thuy Linh) Vu.
July 2024. Asian Economic Development Council conference. Impact of Terrorism on Consumer Sentiment in Pakistan: A City-Level Analysis by Syed Zulqernain Hussain.
June 2024. INSEAD Finance Symposium. ESG news, future cash flows, and firm value by François Derrien, Philipp Krueger, Augustin Landier, Tianhao Yao
March 2024. SGFIN Annual Conference. ESG Shocks in Global Supply Chains by Emilio Bisetti, Guoman She, Alminas Zaldokas.
December 2023. Global AI Finance Conference. Domestication of Cryptoassets: Theory and Evidence by Dong-Hyun Ahn, Jaewon Choi, Kyu Ho Kang, and Seongdeok Ko.
November 2023. Singapore Scholar Symposium. Data Specialists and Market Efficiency by Massimo Massa, Hong Zhang, and Yijun Zhou.
October 2023. Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance. Bank lending during the 2008 credit crunch: Only what matters, capital or liquidity? by Helyoth Hessou and Van Son Lai.
August 2023. European Finance Association. Stablecoins and the financing of the real economy by Jean Barthélémy, Paul Gardin, and Benoît Nguyen.
June 2023. Asian Finance Association. Housing Speculation and Entrepreneurship by Xuan Tian and Yichu Wang.
June 2023. SMU Summer Camp. Does Trading Volume Mitigate or Amplify Mispricing? by Xinrui Duan, Li Guo, Jun Tu, Luying Wang.
March 2023. ABFER Innovation, Productivity and Challenges in the Digital Era. Preparing for the (non-existent?) future of work by Anton Korinek and Megan Juelfs.
December 2022. FIRN. Understanding the role of dealer-client relationships in bond trading by Simon Jurkatis, Andreas Schrimpf, Karamfil Todorov, Nicholas Vause.
December 2022. ANU RFAS: More Debt More Leverage? by Antje Berndt, Bruce Grundy and Yue Wang.
November 2022. PRN Tokyo. CompNet Discussion.
October 2022. CAFM. Does Divergence of Opinion make better minds? Evidence from Social Media.
May 2022. CityUHK Conference for Fintech, AI, and Big Data in Business: Technology and Cryptocurrency Valuation by Yukun Liu, Jinfei Sheng, Wanyi Wang.
January 2022. AFA: Investor Protections and Stock Market Participation: An Evaluation of Financial Advisor Oversight by Juhani Linnainmaa, Brian Melzer, Alessandro Previtero, Stephen Foerster.
July 2021. CICF: Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives by Miguel Anton, Florian Ederer, Mireia Gine, Martin Schmalz.
November 2020. Asia-Pacific Corporate Finance Online Workshop. Fintech Adoption and Household Risk-Taking by Claire Yurong Hong, Xiaomeng Lu, Jun Pan.
November 2020. Singapore Scholar Symposium: Is Carbon Risk Priced in the Cross-Section of Corporate Bond Returns? by Tinghua Duan, Frank Weikai Li, Quan Wen.
May 2020. ABFER: FinTech Platforms and Mutual Fund Distribution by Claire Yurong Hong, Xiaomeng Lu, Jun Pan.
June 2019. CUHK-Review of Corporate Finance Studies Conference: Court Congestion and Economic Fragility by Dimas Fazio, Thiago Silva, Janis Skrastins.
May 2019. ABFER: Financial Technology Adoption by Sean Higgins.
May 2019. ABFER: Do Tokens Behave Like Securities? An Anatomy of Initial Coin Offerings by Evgeny Lyandres, Berardino Palazzo, Daniel Rabett.
2019. 4th Productivity Research Network Conference: Which Firms Get Credit? Evidence from Firm-Level Data by Gabriela Araujo and Jonathan Hambur.
2019. 4th Productivity Research Network Conference: Industry- and State-Level Value Added and Productivity Decompositions by Shipei Zeng, Stephanie Parsons, Erwin Diewert, and Kevin Fox.
2018. SFS Cavalcade Asia Pacific: Credit Risk Propagation along Supply Chains: Evidence from the CDS Market by Senay Agca, Volodymyr Babich, John Birge, Jing Wu.
2018. 2nd Productivity Research Network Conference: The Redistributive Role of Automation by Giorgio Presidente.
2018. 2nd Productivity Research Network Conference: Is Informal Credit Supplement or Complementary for Financing SME's Investment During the Crisis? Evidence from Vietnam by Long Q Trinh & Peter J Morgan.
2018. SMU Finance Summer Camp: Sentiment, Limited Attention and Mispricing by Xinrui Duan, LiGuo, Frank Weikai Li, Jun Tu.
2018. NTU Finance Conference: Regulation of Charlatans in High-Skill Professions by Jonathan Berk & Jules van Binsbergen.
2018. 29th NBER-EASE: Corruption, Political Stability and Efficiency of Government Expenditure on Health Care – Evidence from Asian Countries by Nobuo Akai & Zhenyu Cui.
2017. RMI Conference: Industry Competition, Credit Spreads, and Levered Equity Returns by Alexandre Corhay.
"Debt in Tiered-Production Networks"
I build a model of network formation to study the impact of network shapes on the distribution of credit risk.
"Common Stock Ownership, the Value of Votes, and Private Benefits of Control"
I develop a model to price the value of voting claims embedded in common stock, separate from the cash flow component.
"Informational Role of Investment in Bankruptcy" with Hyunsoo Doh and Yiyao Wang.
Presentations: CICF 2018, SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2018, Chicago Booth, 13th Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
Debt overhang can have a positive information impact on debt value if secondary markets suffer from information asymmetry.